Upcoming Events 1/3-1/11
Happy New Year! We are gearing up for the second half of the school year! Take a moment to check out Leeton Elementary's monthly newsletter here: https://secure.smore.com/n/ecp7n
Upcoming Events
Reminder! Our elementary holiday concert is tonight at 6 p.m. Students should arrive at 5:45 p.m. and stay with their parents until the concert starts. We're excited to see everyone tonight!
Here is the most up to date collection total for our elementary service project. Thank you all who have already contributed!
Our phone lines are currently down. Please email Kelly Fleming at kfleming@leeton.k12.mo.us or Denise Fonke at dfonke@leeton.k12.mo.us with any changes or questions. We apologize for the inconvenience!
We are still collecting donations for our gratitude service project taking place this Friday. If you are willing and able, check out the flyer for our updated count. At this time, we primarily need socks, chapstick or deodorant, and/or individual packages of PB crackers . Thank you to everyone who has sent in donations so far! We are excited to share this project with our students!
Leeton Elementary is gearing up for our Gratitude Service Project, taking place Friday, December 20th. We are still collecting donations for the packages we are putting together that day. Check out the flyer for current numbers of items that have been collected. Thank you for your continued support of our students and school!
Congratulation to our 5th Grade DARE graduates. A shout out to Officer Malcolm and the Johnson County Sheriff's Department for continuing to offer this program to our students!
Upcoming Events - 12/13-12/20
It is impossible to show everything we do, but here is a glimpse into a “day in the life” of a kindergarten student.
We spend time together as a class during several whole group carpet times. We have a morning meeting where we build our classroom community and do our Character Counts lessons, have whole group lessons, listen to stories, do a little dancing, and more.
There are several times during the day where the students have a chance to step into the role of teacher. Pictured is one of these times – “I Wonder Wednesday” where a student gets to share a little bit of their life outside of school with their family. The featured student (or students in this case) get to lead a question and answer session where they call on their classmates to hear their thoughts of what they wonder about the photo.
Every day students enjoy center time where they learn through play. Pictured are some students being letter detectives searching out uppercase and lowercase letters with magnifying glasses while other students are enjoying wrapping ‘presents’ in another center. Students rotate through all of the centers having time to work in each one a couple times during the week. Centers include math and science, blocks and building, reading and writing, dramatic play, and playdough. The students think they are just playing, but they really are learning concepts such as special awareness as they build, reinforcing letter/sound knowledge, building social skills, developing their fine motor skills, and more.
During small group times with the teachers, students work on phonics, reading, writing, math, and more. Some learning takes place in the form of paper and pencil work, but often lessons center around manipulatives and incorporate fun things like using a witch finger to point to words they read or writing with dry erase markers right on the table.
Sometimes we work with other grade levels on special projects. The 5th grade came in to help write letters to Santa. Also, sometimes learning takes place in other locations. When we were working on weather patterns, we took to the hallways to make use of the wall of windows to make observations and then record our findings.
I hope you enjoyed a glimpse into what it is like to be a kindergarten student in Mrs. Carr’s class!
A day in the life of a Kindergarten-5th grader in ART!
Last week:
Kindergarten made folk art trees.
1st grade made penguins.
2nd grade made their own rendition of Brown Bear, Brown Bear.
3rd grade madeMonet bridges.
4th grade made Monet water lilies.
And 5th grade is finishing up their zentangle animals and beginning their Gustav Klimt sunsets.
We are also beginning to hang up artwork for this years’ Fine Arts Program. When you come to watch your childs’ concert this year please take a look through the hallways. Every student will have at least 2 art pieces hung up at the show.
Leeton Basketball
Upcoming Events 12/7-12/14
Copy and paste the link below to order this year's Leeton Ornament! https://forms.gle/7pwz5CYhY93A2Mhh6
Dear Leeton Parents and Students,
As colder weather approaches, it's important to prepare for the possibility of snow in the forecast. Each year, one of the superintendent’s most challenging decisions involves determining whether to cancel school, dismiss early, implement an Alternate Methods of Instruction (AMI) day, or maintain the regular schedule during inclement weather or other safety concerns. While these decisions are guided by multiple factors, they ultimately require careful judgment.
When a decision is made, the Leeton School District will notify parents and guardians via our Infinite Campus SIS system. This communication will also be shared through television news, radio, our website, and social media platforms. Whenever possible, decisions will be finalized by 10:00 p.m. the night before or by 5:15 a.m. on the day of the event. These timeframes are designed to provide timely updates while allowing families to plan accordingly. If you do not receive a text, call, or notification, we recommend checking other channels, as phone service reliability may vary.
In cases of early dismissal, notifications will be sent promptly via call/text and social media to allow you as much time as possible to make arrangements. As with non-school days, it is the responsibility of parents/guardians to plan for schedule changes.
If, as a parent, you feel it is unsafe for your child(ren) to attend school during inclement weather, we respect your decision. Please note that all absences will be recorded, and only verified weather-related absences (such as those due to canceled bus routes) will be considered “excused.” Building principals will determine whether an absence is excused or unexcused.
For students who normally ride the bus, we encourage you to continue using bus transportation during adverse weather, as it remains one of the safest ways to travel to and from school. Likewise, if you typically transport your child to school, continuing your usual routine will help maintain normal operations as much as possible.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s principal or me. We are happy to discuss our inclement weather plan with you and appreciate your partnership in ensuring the safety of our students.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Adam Easterwood
Superintendent of Schools
Leeton R-X School District
Leeton Basketball
This weeks "a day in the life" is brought to you by Mrs. Foulk's second grade class!
In phonics we are learning about that Bossy "R" (ar, er, or, or, ur,)
In writing we are learning how to write a narrative. We are learning how to make our sentences longer and more interesting to read. We are currently finishing up our turkey narrative stories about "how to save the turkey on Thanksgiving Day".
In ELA we have started a unit on animals. We have learned about cold and hot climate animals. We are currently reading about animal habitats and will be doing a project at the end.
Our social studies is about the different Indian tribes. The students have looked up info on food, clothing, weather, land, housing and compared them with another group. They will be dressing up a person to resemble their Indian.
In math we have finished up adding 2 digit plus 2 digit with regrouping. This has proved difficult for some and so we will continue to practice this skill. For now we have started our money unit. Learning about each coin and how much they are worth. We will be practicing how to count it and the students will have the opportunity on Fridays to buy items at the class store to practice these skills.
Upcoming Events - 11/22 - 11/30